Explaining Deductions for Small Business Owners

explaining deductions for small business owners

New details have emerged from the IRS that explain how small business owners may be able to obtain different tax breaks. This article discusses the different rules the IRS has proposed, and what this means for small business owners in the United States. To view this article, click the following link to access the original […]

The Secret to Obtaining More Clients

the secret to obtaining more clients

The key to obtaining more clients is knowing the differences between what you can provide and how you can deliver results. This article explains how obtaining more clients begins with marketing your results rather than your services. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/317441

The Importance of Failure

the importance of failure

Those that take risk and go beyond their comfort zones are more likely to see success earlier in their careers. This article discusses how professionals can embrace the challenges of failure to ultimately find success. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/317435

Questions to Ask Before You Change Your Prices

questions to ask before you change your prices

Creating price points for your products usually starts with looking at the prices of similar products within your industry. This article explains how your perception as a seller is valuable, and discusses three questions to ask yourself about your pricing strategy. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content. https://www.inc.com/debra-maldonado/5-questions-to-ask-before-raising-or-lowering-your-prices.html?cid=sf01001

Comparing US Corporate Tax Rates

will tariffs ultimately hurt US businesses

The passing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act resulted in a lower tax rate for corporate America. How do these lower taxes compare to other countries around the world? This articles discusses the benefits of tax reform and examines how the US ranks in terms of corporate tax rates. To view this article, click […]

Innovation in a Family Business

innovation in a family business

As new products, consumer trends, economies, and business models emerge, it is important for family business owners to adapt and be open to change. This articles discusses why family businesses must innovate and create initiatives that keep up with changing times. To view this article, click here to access the original content.

Productivity for Small Business Owners

productivity for small business owners

As a small business owner, you are undoubtedly faced with a hectic schedule that leaves you minimal free time. This articles discusses productivity and time management tips you can use to help you fit more into an already crazy schedule. To view this article, click here to access the original content.

Retirement Tips for Business Owners

retirement tips for business owners

Business owners can proactively plan for their retirement all while growing their business. This articles discusses three tips you should consider when creating a retirement strategy and planning for the future of your business. To view this article, click here to access the original content.

Using Blockchain in Your Business

using blockchain in your business

As the blockchain revolution begins, businesses are finding new ways to implement the technology into the products or services they offer. This article discusses ways that blockchain will eventually change your business, and why your business should be prepared for the blockchain revolution. To view this article, click here to access the original content.